Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hello Bob the B.......... here

Back to an 8 hour work day, 5 days a week.  Since I could not assemble any bikes yesterday  and 15 came in on the truck I had 2 pallets and 25 bikes to assemble today.  I set right into them to get them out of the way. Had a chat with a zone manager about where to assemble the bikes and I said I like to do it in Site to Store area as I an lay parts out  and I can reduce the wait the customers have in receiving their items. Well, I got started and had to pause as my pallets were in someones way in the back  and I needed to make a repair in the store. There was a couple of Site2Store pick-ups but at the end of the day I was able to assemble 20 bikes.  

Monday, July 09, 2012

OUCH!! This hurt

Well, today I had to clean the fixture room at WalMart again. Well, while doing so I hit my head on a shelf  and cut it open. 
It hurt so bad I cursed, and if you know me i do not curse that often. So often that when I do people stop to look at me is shock.
It being a head cut you know it bleed like crazy.  I had to clean it and bandage it up with gauze and a an adhesive strip. 
What would get me upset in 2 days is that the fixture room is a mess again. 

Saturday, July 07, 2012

What a Day for Indexing


 On July 2nd we indexers set a goal of doing 5 million names on the numerous projects that can be worked on.  Word went out and here is the result of that day. I worked on the 1940 US Census for Pennsylvania. I submitted 400 names to FAMILY SEARCH.ORG

Amazing! We passed the 5 million records goal in less than 16 hours and just kept going! Thank you to the 46,091 indexers and arbitrators who participated in this historic event.
Final Record Count:
  • 7,258,151 Indexed
  • 3,082,728 Arbitrated
  • 10,340,879 Total

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

1 Whole year at McDonald's

Well it has been a year with me working 2 jobs. Still at Wal-Mart  and 2 0r 3 overnights a week at McDonald's in Kennett Square. One whole year working on the grill  and cleaning up the place.
I now have another assoc. to help assemble items and do the building maintenance that come up. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Did I win Employee of the month?

LOL  I was Given this today and I wonder if I earned it.

Well, as much as I am called BOB THE BUILDER at work I guess that a reason not to know my name.


Friday, June 08, 2012

 helped index the first half of the 1940 US census

Thank You for Your Service

The 1940 US Census is now 50% indexed because of the efforts of thousands of volunteers like you. Thank you!

Monday, April 02, 2012